101 Creative Link Building Tips

101 creative link building tips!

To operate sustainable link building, more and more creativity is required!

First, write a webmaster to install an e-mail asking, a link to your page. The deciding factor is that the mail is individually tailored. Ensure you so that you only write to webmasters whose sites to fit your language and, more importantly, that your site is worth linking at all.

Second, find great link sources by. You are browsing the web for the desired keywords. While previously it was thought that any link, no matter where, is good, but you should now be critical in this regard, after Google began to exhort webmasters that they have bad links, which should be better removed.

Third, use social media to find good link sources. For this there are many different tools available, but even a simple keyword search on Twitter that works just like crawling of search results of search engines spits, often from great link opportunities.

4th, gripping the phone. To clarify a link partnership on the phone is also acceptable for those who do not mind talking in terms of working time to time also with other people.

5th, make the Link Negotiation personally. Even if you have asked via e-mail a link, do not shy away with a benevolent webmaster to telephone or personally, if the opportunity arises. Sometimes it secures itself a link because of the personal contact.

6th, you'll realize why a page is a good link partners. If you already are dealing with the issue for some time link building, you probably know within seconds whether a site, the first time you throw a glance, might be a useful link partner. For everyone else this is somewhat more difficult, a blog entry that relates to your topic. brings continuous comments and a fair number of tweets, likes and recommendations have, these are a good side.

7th, traffic remember! Think you not only which pages could improve your ranking, but could also generate good traffic which side to you. Can you think of going to a particular website to see your link to click and think: `Super, that's exactly what I wanted?' If so, then the page is very likely to also provide more traffic for you.

8th, pay less on rankings and Page rank! Of course, rankings are important, but can come from considering how many other directions of traffic (social media sites), it is unreasonable to rely on the ranking of a single search engine. One must not assume that a link from a website with a page rank of 0 does nothing, and is automatically super page rank of a web page with the fifth.

9th, keep an eye on the competition! Your own link plan should of course never be created largely because of competition, but it's still useful to know what works for others in your niche. However, one should not assume that simply mimics the link profile of a competitor and as good cuts. So simple it's not that.

10th, go on the safe side, the side that you will not hurt. Often it is believed that due to their own side of the correct links in the rankings soars, even if it is built completely user-unfriendly, and offers nothing new that you cannot find elsewhere.

11th, look where your link partner directing also. This might sound confusing, but we find other useful sites that can contact you.

12th.if a great website that is exactly the kind of website from which you want to link to, incorporating a link to you, then check who is also linked to this page. It could be good link partners for you.

13th, search for sites that should link to your website, do not do it. If you can find a blog post titled: `Top 100 firms' selling green thingy, and you sell green thingy, but will not appear, then the webmaster, very calm out. To the friendly nature of course!

14th, do not automated, unless it is otherwise. Sometimes automation is absolutely necessary, but when it comes to evaluate a website and make a personal connection, which leads to a link, I would always recommend the manual version.

15th, if the answer is negative, it is worth a closer look, because rejections can be important clues. Maybe your site is not that link worth what you mean. If a webmaster who takes the time to email you a rejection, ask him or her why. Maybe there is not a bigger mistake that strikes everyone else, only you have a good chance of usability. It is also possible that you ultimately get the desired link if you the issue that shows you the webmaster.

16th, if you're moving with your site to a new URL, you will probably set up a 301 redirect, but it would be optimal in terms of links to pages (especially the particularly good) that link your site to share the new URL.

17th, become a sponsor of a charity, a contest of one PLC to the school your children, etc.

18th, attempts to like no-follow links, it turns not always all about link juice. No-follow links can be great for the traffic. So if someone says, yes, I link to your site, but only one-no-follow link, then thank you.

19th, please ones around a link that link to YouTube videos relevant to the industry

20th, the same applies to links to information graphics in your area. Here you can also ask for a link.

To offer your content

Your link chances are negligible if your site has to offer content, nothing. People use the Internet to gather information, and if they are not with you find it, then they are watching more elsewhere, when your competition. There are many people who are intelligent and rhetorically skilled, but think that nothing meaningful could write about it. As we shall see, also makes the practice makes perfect.

21st, write something, even if you cannot write very well. The more you practice, the better you get. Write something really good, something that nobody has ever written. You have to write from a new perspective, in order to captivate the reader's attention. If you write about pest control, then maybe write a text about the fact that you're never more than a few feet away from a spider.

22nd, you should work out a plan and ongoing content writing so that a follow-up article is slightly out of hand. Series are good, regularly scheduled guest posts are good and know what your 'thing' is always good anyway.

23rd, offering more than text content. Control an info-graphic together or just think of a comic book. Producer videos for which you interviewing people who work in your industry, catch on a weekly radio show. This type of content cannot bring text based links.

24th, actively seek ways to make a contribution in your industry. Maybe you can be moderator for a forum or help put together a weekly newsletter. Maybe you can give on as part of a few imaginative responses.

25th, find something that does not exist yet, and you hurl out to ease the bottleneck. There is no forum for your industry? You developed one. You're looking for a list of all pre-schools cannot find your area? Researching self, Vice together the list and publish it so that it is accessible to anyone and linkable.

26th, write an important article, which serves as an authoritative source for anything and the half-yearly or annually can be updated (and is).

27th, you have to place a well-researched list on a specific topic together. Think you on which aspects of your industry; it is difficult to stay up to date.

28th, finished to a monthly 'Best of' series to summarize what is happening in your industry all so, in the event that someone has missed something.

29th, you refer to your earlier article, if they have relevance.

30th, if you visit the sites of your content, make sure that the right people at the right time to see this. There are some great tools for scheduling, you should use if you bring your content at the right time cannot promote itself.

(To be continued...)

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