Special SEO factors

Through integrated in an article multimedia content (images, videos, etc.), the presence and thus the number of clicks on Google News or can increase the normal results. To note here is:

The preferred Google image format is JPEG. PNG, GIF and other formats are less suitable.

The content of an image should be clearly defined with a description and an alt-text.

To facilitate the allocation of content of images, these should be at the beginning of an article, or as incorporated into the vicinity of the header.

General SEO factors

Google News is different from the relevance ranking of messages between a story ranking and article ranking.

Story Ranking: Ranking the story is simply put because of the current interest formed on one subject. Seems to be just an issue of particular interest, Google was offered a separate cluster or a topic and lists all of this, right after the article ranking messages sorted on each other.

Article Ranking: Ranking The Article refers to the relevance of an article with respect to the ranking determined by the story topic. Are in the article ranking influence factors:

Search engine optimization (SEO) for free?

Very likely you are on Google indicated as an alternative to that search engine optimization search phrase 'search engine optimization (SEO) free' came across this web page.

Below we explain what SEO or search engine optimization is why the optimization of a website cannot be free and where you can learn more about the topic of SEO.

Search engines such as Google review sites using more than 200 criteria of a comprehensive algorithm. Considered a search engine a website related to a specific search term to be particularly important, these will be listed near the top with a corresponding request. Does not match the content of a website to a search engine ranking, it is only listed on the rear seats result.

Conclusion: SEO is overrated

For most sites a search engine optimization is quite unnecessary. The editors for creating and deploying Web sites are getting better in terms of W3C standards. And that content will automatically get the rankings that they deserve. Only if the expected profit through SEO is greater than the cost of the search engine optimization, SEO is to be considered. But that should, in global terms, be a tiny rather small number of pages. The current hype certainly fired a number of initiatives that think they can make money on or to the Internet. I believe this but mostly for window dressing, fueled not least by the SEO scene. But that's business.

Which site is worth SEO?

SEO is a business. And SEO costs resources and time so money. As a rule, Google is able to provide good content from clean sites independently according to place well in the ranking - without ever an SEO had intervened in the page or the links. Search engine optimization is only necessary if the contents are unexciting but I am finding there is a lucrative interest. This is usually the case with shops. And here, of course, the competition is greatest.

What makes an SEO to?

Here are a few keywords:

Meta Tags
XML Sitemap
Keyword Analysis
Keyword Optimization
No-follow links
Redirection (Forwarding)
Canonicalization (source reference)

A few notes about this: Meta tags and search engines read except some crazy webmasters nobody. The robots.txt file tells the search engines what data and what they cannot crawl. Without giving it index everything they find. XML Sitemap can affect the speed at which new pages are indexed. But an effect on the ranking they have not to my knowledge. Keyword analysis means that one finds the most 'rewarding' terms, which have the most search volume. In keyword optimization the content is modified accordingly. In the worst case is called keyword stuffing. The text is then loaded with the concept and the basic unreadable. Typical case of a search engine optimization, the SEO has forgotten that even SEO will lead to more visitors. No-follow links indicate whether the search engine is to follow the link or not. This is for any normal person completely irrelevant. The redirection of pages whose URL has been modified, is reasonable in the long run but also get the Google Redirect without regulated.

SEO is primarily Link-building

If the website does not provide exciting content, they will not generate automatic linking. And then - and only then - is SEO game. The SEO is then manually ensures that a link is created. This can be done through a very simple introduction into web directories. However, alone, results nowadays hardly a ranking profit. Just like as bookmarking network with hundreds of pseudo-identities. Then there is the way to go about link exchange to thematically appropriate links. SEO, or buys a certain number of links, that is, he paid the crucial link page for the link. The best, safest and long term because most successful method is certainly a mix of marketing and networking. (Incidentally, the "submit to search engines", which is available today actually still is utter balderdash The major search engines are looking for content its own matters is that they have least an incoming link from a page that should not be indexed today... be so difficult)

Websites without SEO can entwine super

Instead, there are numerous examples that websites may have grown great. The pieces are not search engine optimized. Who can permanent and many interesting and relevant content on the net, need not to worry about SEO. Good websites are maintained and continually growing less "auto-SEO". If the content is interesting enough, they will automatically attract links. Who brings us to the point for a good ranking - the links? For search engines - especially Google - the number and importance of links pointing to a page, an important criterion.

How to optimize a page? Barrier-free!

If you want to optimize their website should deal first with the question of what people might well have problems. These are often people who perceive differently than the website creators. As a rule, there are people who are classified as disabled, the mass (in whatever form). The most important guidelines are:

1. More meaningful page titles
2. Semantics clear structure: Breakdown by headings, paragraphs and navigation bars
3. Important at the beginning
4. Link texts meaningful
5. Images with alt text
6. Tables for layout is not, but for tabular data

What is SEO?

SEO is an abbreviation of the English term "Search Engine Optimization". SEO or search engine optimization is all the rage. It is obviously possible sites for optimization so that they actually get a better ranking in search engines

For a search engine optimization an existing or new website is designed so that it is read by search engines optimally, analyzed and stored finally. Through search engine optimization should be the saved web page in the search results are shown as far forward. Optimally In the first 10 results on Google search.